Susan G. (age 54)
Blayne has the uncanny ability to take in information about where her student is physically, and tailor the lesson to their needs on that particular day, rather than coming in with a fixed “lesson plan” and sticking to it no matter what.
The effects on my body of studying Pilates with Blayne become immediately evident, inside (better balance; more awareness of how my my core strength informs every other part of my body, and how everything flows into everything else) and out (more streamlined legs, in particular; better posture and general form). I had studied Pilates one-on-one with her for about 4 years a while back, and recently started again. I missed working with her!
Not only is she a master of the practice, but she is fantastic at making it completely accessible to her students, regardless of their level of experience. She takes her teaching very seriously, while her unfailingly warm, supportive and positive energy keeps it fun.